How to play
Find the word that links the clues together.
There are 5 clues in total.
You will start with the first clue and are given a new clue if you guess incorrectly.
The first 3 clues will each display a word that will either go before or after the solution to form a different word or phrase.
For example, the first clue here is "North" so I will guess America.
(To make the phrase "North America")
To submit your answer, press
Return on your keyboard, or
Enter if you're on a laptop/desktop.
Incorrect! The circle next to "North" turns red, and the next clue appears. This will happen for all clues.
The 4th and 5th clues show the number of letters in the solution, and the first letter of the solution respectively.
The 5th clue will also reveal what side of each clue the solution will go. This is indicated by a "_".
In this example, we have a 3 letter word, starting with S, where the solution comes after "North", and before both "Side" and "Breeze"
The solution for this example is "Sea", as it makes the following words/phrases:
North SEA
SEA Breeze
Once you guess correctly (on any of the clues) the circles will turn green, and the answer will be revealed.
If you fail to guess correctly after all clues are revealed, all the circles will turn red, and the answer
will be revealed.
Your previous guesses can be accessed by clicking the button shown above.
Your stats can be accessed by clicking the button shown above.
Note: Failing to guess correctly after all clues have been revealed will give a guess score of 6.
Final notes:
- There is one puzzle daily
- This game was made by a British developer, so apologies if the words/phrases are not as well known to those in other countries.
I've tried to make it possible for all English speakers across the world.
- Feel free to share your most recent records or stats by using the stats buttons found at the top of the page
or on the stats screen.
- Thank you so much for playing the game! Best of luck!